Co-create adaptive strategy

Leave this page now, if you think top-down strategy will deliver your results – it won’t and we don’t want you to be offended.

The truth is that our economic or social climate will affect your goals, the business environment will affect your plans and your actions will affect everything. The enlightened recognise that strategy creation is not a linear “rational” process but an iterative social cycle.

In seeing the world and businesses more like complex adaptive systems than machines, we see the folly of highly centralised, overly controlled strategies.

This is why Clever Together helps organisational leaders to involve their staff and stakeholders in a process to co-create shared intentions:

  • shared purpose,
  • shared vision,
  • shared goals,
  • shared plans, and
  • shared values and behavioural expectations

With their co-created intentions in hand, we then help leaders put mechanisms in place to involve their people in the process of course-correcting their way to success.

This is the essence of adaptive strategy. It’s about being collectively brilliant and getting into collective action with your people, not about documents that sit on shelves or pretty pictures drawn by super smart but ultimately disconnected people.

Learn more about some of our work in this space by exploring some of our case studies, better still: get in touch for a chat.

Interested in our strategy work with NHS Trusts?

Co-creating the Leeds Way

Read about how we reshaped culture and performance at one of the largest Hospital Trusts in the UK.


Read about how we brought innovation to culture transformation at University Hospitals Derby & Burton

Interested in co-creating government service strategy?

Strategy in government often feels driven from the top down.

The reality is that civil servants have vast sums of experience and ideas that should not be ignored.

We’ve started to help government non-departmental bodies to refresh their strategies by co-creating key “strategic assets” with their staff – new statements of purpose and vision, new values and shared behavioural expectations, new priorities and high-level plans of action. And the in the process of doing this, we embed new staff listening methods and can see how these teams are embracing the benefits of adaptive strategy.

Are you interested in co-creating national strategy?

Our work in national strategy stems from our experience in health and care. In this space, the provision of person-centred health and care services is a deeply personal and local endeavour. Yet, to ensure the system continuously improves public outcomes, and to tackle unwarranted variance, national strategies and frameworks are needed to set out expectations and goals.

This is why we help national leaders to co-create and refresh strategies by building core “strategic assets” in partnership with staff and citizens.

Much of this work centres on releasing the collective brilliance and insight of your people and triangulating this with policy and latest research to generate new statements of purpose and vision, behavioural expectations, new priorities and high-level frameworks for action.