Understand & tackle complex issues

Interested in tackling complex issues by creating new coalitions, movements and communities of action?

All too often, complex issues are treated as “tame problems”. Even when everyone knows cause and effect solutions won’t stand up, we secretly turn a blind eye – something must be better than nothing, right? Wrong!

Instead, at Clever Together, we help turn professional groups and groups of citizens into communities of interest. This means bringing people together to ensure they have the capability to build new, meaningful, collective insight.

Better still, communities of interest can be nurtured into communities of practice, and helped to take collective action, powerfully.

This process is not as neat as a technocratic solution but:

  • it is more human,
  • it is more impactful, and
  • it is more long-lasting.

AHPs into action

Watch our CEO Pete Thomond describe how we helped to create a new strategy for Allied Health Professionals across England.

Taking Charge Together

Read more about how we helped the Greater Manchester Combined Authority gain new insight on how to help its residents take more responsibility for thier health and wellbeing.

Interested in building consensus to understand complex issues – by hosting online workshops and summits?

We’re surrounded by the need to take a fresh look at difficult issues. Yet, all too often, we lack a safe space to do this – especially when it means challenging dominant views or assumptions that have held people back.

At Clever Together, we help organisations and communities to do this by designing and hosting psychologically safe online spaces to co-create shared insight into complex issues and to use this process to build plans for collective action.

Below, you can read about a few examples where we have helped to build insight and consensus around complex issues:

Generating deep insight from the NHS workforce

Improve engagement Smarter, faster consultation Understand & tackle complex issues

#WeCareTogether – A new people plan for Norfolk & Waveney

Co-create adaptive strategy Improve engagement Smarter, faster consultation Understand & tackle complex issues